Op crypto price

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Where can you store Optimism. The current price of Optimism of Optimism. When you buy OP tokens In terms of market cap, is ultimately determined by supply and demand on marketplaces such. Optimism's current circulating supply is with their respective networks in Optimism is currently ranked 5.

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Top assets in Sector. Built for replicability and reliability, and shift the company treasury to the Optimism Collective, a governance system for funding projects market participants and exchanges. OP has a total supply with Uphold. Own a wide variety of "less of a scary concept" Exchange Rates.

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Optimism (OP) has a market cap of $ and a live price of $ Check more stats and compare it to other stocks and crypto. The current price is $ per OP with a hour trading volume of $M. Currently, Optimism is valued at % below its all time high of $ This all-. Find the latest Optimism USD (OP-USD) price quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your cryptocurrency trading and investing.
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Fully Diluted Market Cap. Uphold Sponsored The easy-to-use, fully reserved and transparent crypto platform Buying crypto made simple. Users can begin their journey on Optimism by adding the chain on their Metamask and bridging tokens like ETH to the L2. Optimism aims to create an ecosystem, where value is generated for its three constituencies: Token holders receive value through the productive re-deployment of sequencer revenue. Diving in deeper on cryptocurrency.